Upcoming Events
More events coming soon!

Dia Del Nino
Día is an international celebration of the joy found in early childhood and reading.
Día es un celebración internacional de la alegría que uno siente durante su niñez y primeras etapas de lectura.

Cruise to the Carousel
Start your engines for the annual Cruise to the Carousel! This is one of the biggest car shows in Iowa and all proceeds benefit the Des Moines Carousel Foundation/Heritage Carousel.
Clowns at the Carousel
Mark your calendars for the 22nd Annual Clowns at the Carousel. This fun, free, family friendly event is brought to you each year by the Corn Patch Clowns.

Story Time at The Carousel
Join us for Storytime at the Carousel with the Des Moines Public Library. This free event is open to the public and features stories, songs, a craft, and a free Carousel Ride!

Story Time at The Carousel
Join us for Storytime at the Carousel with the Des Moines Public Library. This free event is open to the public and features stories, songs, a craft, and a free Carousel Ride!

25 Years at The Heritage Carousel – Come Celebrate!
Join us in celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Heritage Carousel of Des Moines. Enjoy 25 hours of FREE carousel rides starting Friday, FREE snacks, FREE water bottles, and live entertainment!

Story Time at The Carousel
Join us for Storytime at the Carousel with the Des Moines Public Library. This free event is open to the public and features stories, songs, a craft, and a free Carousel Ride!

Story Time at The Carousel
Join us for Storytime at the Carousel with the Des Moines Public Library. This free event is open to the public and features stories, songs, a craft, and a free Carousel Ride!

Opening Weekend 2023!
Join us for Opening Day – Saturday, May 27, 2023!
The Carousel will open at 11 am. There will be hourly prize drawings and all merchandise will be 20% off. Season Passes and Frequent Rider Rewards Cards will be available for purchase. The cost of a child’s ride is still just 50 cents!

Dia Del Nino
Día is an international celebration of the joy found in early childhood and reading.
This year, the Des Moines Public Library and its community partners are celebrating together! Join us at Union Park for hands-on activities for the whole family including literacy and STEM stations, piñatas, community resource tables and free carousel rides!
Día del Niño Celebration
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Saturday, April 30
Union Park, 2009 Saylor Road, Des Moines
Día es un celebración internacional de la alegría que uno siente durante su niñez y primeras etapas de lectura.
¡Este año, Des Moines Public Library (la biblioteca) y sus socios comunitarios están celebrando juntos!
¡Acompáñennos en Union Park para actividades prácticas para toda la familia, incluyendo estaciones de alfabetización y STEM, piñatas, mesas de recursos comunitarios y paseos en carrusel! ¡Todo es gratis!
Celebración del Día del Niño
10:00-12:00 sábado, el 30 de abril
Union Park, 2009 Saylor Road, Des Moines
Outdoor Program
This program is hosted outdoors.

Spring Egg Hunt at Union Park
Spring Egg Hunt at Union Park
Egg hunt will be at 10 am! Children will be divided into age groups. Plastic eggs contain candy and toys.
The Heritage Carousel will be open for rides following the hunt! This is a free event but donations are greatly appreciated!

Christmas at the Carousel
Christmas at the Carousel
Lights go on at 5:30 p.m.!
Celebrate the opening of the Holiday Season at the Heritage Carousel!
We will have cookies, cocoa, candy canes, Santa and Mrs. Clause, Holiday Music, and Free Carousel Rides. Plus, each family gets a complimentary holiday ornament while they last!