Become a Heritage Carousel Board Member
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Heritage Carousel Board Member. We are currently seeking 3 new Board Members to replace outgoing members. Please read the information below and inquire using our form.
The Heritage Carousel currently has one salaried staff member, a quarter-time Executive Director.
The mission of the Heritage Carousel of Des Moines is to provide wholesome fun and a meeting place for the surrounding neighborhood and greater Des Moines community by offering low-cost rides, events, and a well-maintained facility.
Heritage Carousel Board members are elected to a renewable three-year term.
The Board meets approximately four times annually.
Each Board member is asked to join at least one committee. The current committees are:
Grants & Development
Buildings & Grounds
Marketing & Communications
Special Events
Nominating Committee.
Committee meetings are held throughout the year, usually at the direction of the committee chair.
Be informed about the Carousel’s mission, programs, and activities.
Attend 75 percent of Board and committee meetings.
Review agenda and supporting materials prior to Board and committee meetings.
Volunteer at the Carousel during the season, particularly at high volume events, and with special projects and group tasks as needed.
Make an annual personal contribution of any size to the carousel.
Support and evaluate the Executive Director’s performance, and acknowledge strong service through appropriate compensation.
If the Executive Director position becomes vacant, recruit, select, and retain an effective leader.
Review and approve an annual budget prepared by the Executive Director.
Review the organization’s financial statements as provided by the Treasurer to ensure the Carousel has adequate resources.
Inform others in the community about the Carousel to generate greater awareness.
Suggest possible nominees to the Board who are enthusiastically supportive of the Carousel as a neighborhood and community amenity, and who provide skills and qualities that help to provide a well-balanced board.