Become a Heritage Carousel Board Member

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Heritage Carousel Board Member. We are currently seeking 3 new Board Members to replace outgoing members. Please read the information below and inquire using our form.

The Heritage Carousel currently has one salaried staff member, a quarter-time Executive Director.

  • The mission of the Heritage Carousel of Des Moines is to provide wholesome fun and a meeting place for the surrounding neighborhood and greater Des Moines community by offering low-cost rides, events, and a well-maintained facility.

  • Heritage Carousel Board members are elected to a renewable three-year term.

  • The Board meets approximately four times annually.

  • Each Board member is asked to join at least one committee. The current committees are:

    • Grants & Development

    • Buildings & Grounds

    • Marketing & Communications

    • Special Events

    • Nominating Committee.

    Committee meetings are held throughout the year, usually at the direction of the committee chair.

    • Be informed about the Carousel’s mission, programs, and activities.

    • Attend 75 percent of Board and committee meetings.

    • Review agenda and supporting materials prior to Board and committee meetings.

    • Volunteer at the Carousel during the season, particularly at high volume events, and with special projects and group tasks as needed.

    • Make an annual personal contribution of any size to the carousel.

    • Support and evaluate the Executive Director’s performance, and acknowledge strong service through appropriate compensation.

    • If the Executive Director position becomes vacant, recruit, select, and retain an effective leader.

    • Review and approve an annual budget prepared by the Executive Director.

    • Review the organization’s financial statements as provided by the Treasurer to ensure the Carousel has adequate resources.

    • Inform others in the community about the Carousel to generate greater awareness.

    • Suggest possible nominees to the Board who are enthusiastically supportive of the Carousel as a neighborhood and community amenity, and who provide skills and qualities that help to provide a well-balanced board.